Nastri Trasportatori Otelli Logo

Conveyors Belt - Otelli mechanical carpentry

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impianto trattamento rifiuti
Nastri Trasportatori - carpenteria metallica di Otelli Silvano, nastri trasportatori industriali; trasportatori a nastro in pvc. La carpenteria metallica di Otelli Silvano realizza nastri trasportatori per trattamento rifiuti, nastri trasportatori per acciaierie, nastri trasportatori estrusioni alluminio, nastri trasportatori per fonderie, nastri trasportatori per lavorazioni metalli.
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Conveyors Belt Otelli Mechanical Carpentry - Our activities

Our activities in conveyor belt system has 3 basic phases:

  1. Investigation and projecting:
    According to the requirements and needs of the customer we determine and propose the best technical and most advanced solutions. Always looking for the best quality / price relation.
  1. Building and testing:
    During the assembling and testing phase all appropriate safety rules for the installed system are abserved.
  1. Installation:
    After installation and launching at the customer plant we provide the best service to our customers.
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