Nastri Trasportatori Otelli Logo

Conveyors Belt - Otelli mechanical carpentry

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impianto trattamento rifiuti
Nastri Trasportatori - carpenteria metallica di Otelli Silvano, nastri trasportatori industriali; trasportatori a nastro in pvc. La carpenteria metallica di Otelli Silvano realizza nastri trasportatori per trattamento rifiuti, nastri trasportatori per acciaierie, nastri trasportatori estrusioni alluminio, nastri trasportatori per fonderie, nastri trasportatori per lavorazioni metalli.
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Conveyors Belt - Otelli Mechanical Carpentry

About us

The company Otelli Silvano, was founded at the beginning of the 1980th and is specialized in construction of Conveyor belt systems and elevators.
Years of acquired experience allow to offer technical advanced solutions and customized to operate in different environments which are: working with scrap metal, food industry, treatment refusals, etc.

Application areas

The main applications of the belt conveyors of the Otelli Carpentry are:
  • elevator belts
  • conveyor belts in pvc
  • silos for chip removal
  • conveyor for refuse treatments
  • Conveyor belts for scrap metals with carpet in HARDOX

Most popular conveyor belts

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